Paper Silverware Bags? Yes, please

So while in New Smyrna Beach this past week we ate at a cute little restuarant on the beach. They were uber busy (and the food explained why!). When the waitress came to take our drink orders she brought our silverware and to my surprise they were packaged adorably. The silverware pieces were in a paper bag sleeve. How damn cute! And of course with my mind ALWAYS on entertaining and decorating, my first thought was Lauren's party in July! Knowing I had already purchased hot pink silverware I knew I had to have these white paper bags. So I ordered a box. Now granted, I had to order 2000, and we have a little over 100 people at this time coming.....but just like the cute little white paper bags we ordered for the candy table at our wedding, I will find 101 uses for the leftover!

These are the bags! A steal at $20.00!
  Can you see them with the hot pink....LOVE IT!


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