Cooking: The Ease of Making Crepes

Making crepes may sound like a daunting task, but they are actually pretty simple once you get the hang of them. The initial making of the batter is easy peasy...7 ingredients tossed in a blender, mixed for 30-60 seconds and left to sit for a bit (once that is done I prep the topping and make my berry sauce or coulis) . The skill comes in the pan work. Although I have used a regular frying pan for years I decided it was time to buy a crepe pan. Thanks World Market for my Lagoon Blue Crepe Pan. Only $14.99 and I had 15% off.

The recipe I use is from Martha Stewart, the only thing I change is I add a splash of vanilla (because I think vanilla makes everything that much better) and I also use 1 cup 2% milk and 1/2 cup of half and half. I also mix my batter for 30 - 60 secs, pulsating. Her recipes makes 8 crepes (2 per person). All of my toppings are added after the crepes are out of the pan, unless using mini chips or Nutella, in which case I add that to the crepes once flipped. This is for two reasons, first I like my chips and/or Nutella warmed and melted, second I quarter fold my crepes in the pan before I remove them.

My best tip for making crepes is fold them in the pan prior to removing. They stay warmer for a longer period of time, are easier to keep warm and they look prettier folded in quarters (even before you plate them).

Thats it.  Easy and a nice change for a weekend breakfast. You can also make savory crepes for a nice brunch or dinner. The fillings are endless,. You can find some awesome ideas on my Pinterest board.


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