Writers Block....I have it

Ack! Day after day I want to....need to.....write on my blog. Yet day after day I am stuck. Stumped. Baffled. What to write? You would think that someone who works for one of the top attorneys offices in Illinois, someone who has 5 kids, someone who is married to a Marine, someone who is so busy she has no time to breath would have SOMETHING to write about! And I suppose I do, but at the same time when I sit down to my lovely pink laptop I have nada. Zip. Zilch. I guess that as thoughts and things come to me I will need to keep jotting them down and then go back and refer to my list. Perhaps my brain is over loaded with activities, school work, work, parties.........but at last, a break through! I have written this! LOL

What do you do when you have writers block?


  1. Nowadays I tend to post either when I have time or if I have an idea that I'd really like to talk about.

    I used to try to post on a regular basis. Back then I had quite a few ideas for things to write about and I would create 'draft' posts as reminders for when I had more time to sit down and develop posts.

    Some ideas for things to write about are interesting things from your past, your opinion on things going on in the news, or even mini-biographies of people who are important to you and why they are.

    I keep meaning to get back into blogging more frequently especially to recount my time in Europe, but I spend much of my free time on Facebook and Flickr.


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