My 13 yo niece is starting a food drive.............

Hey guys, ny niece, who is 13, has decided to start a food drive. If you live near us, we see you at work, or we will see each other at any other function, please think about donating 1 item. Remember, todays kids are tomorrows future!............

Details:Dear friends and family, We are starting a can food drive and we need your help. We will take from one can to one hundred cans (you don’t have to give that much it is just a statement). But every single one helps. We are asking for nonperishable food or personal care items .We will accept donations up to new years and we will deliver the weekend of new years. We will be donating to lord of glory Lutheran church food pantry in Grayslake.Thank you for your help!~Tony, georgiann, Rebecca, and Nikki~


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