Ugh, Home Sick!

Yup, I am home sick today. And feeling horribly guilty! Why is it that mom's feel guilty when they take time for themselves? Even when desperately needed or without choice? My husband told me to stay home yesterday. I refused. I feel worse today. And the only thing that made me stay home? We are going to dinner and to do a wine tasting with friends on Saturday night and I want to make sure I don't get worse and miss it. So, here I sit, in my pajamas, waiting for 2:15 when I go to the doc and prove my husband WRONG, yes prove that I do not have strep! I have lost my voice though. It's killing me. Having 5 kids that includes 6 yo twins when you can't talk louder is HARD! LOL

Well, I suppose I can sleep and blog today. Ugh, while thinking aboout ALL the work that is sitting on my desk! Why can't I be a guilt free girl?


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