But you wouldn't wear that out in public!

I was thinking to myself yesterday....why do people wear stuff in their house, to relax in or sleep in, they would not wear out in public? Hahaha, I am not talking about Victorias Secret outfits etc. I am talking about the stained, torn, hole filled t shirts, sweat pants, socks, hoodies, etc. Really. I come to realize if you would not want anyone in public to see you in it, including your friends, family, boss......anyone.....then you should not be wearing it. You honestly let your spouse see you in clothes not fit for anyone else? When you first met your spouse, you dressed up nicely, you took care of yourself and your appearance, yet years later you no longer care what you look like to him/her? And looking past that, what about for yourself? Part of being healthy and happy is feeling good about yourself, yes both inside and out. How can you feel good about yourself if you are wearing something you would not want other people to see? What I call shleppy wear!

When we take care of ourselves inside and out we feel good, have a better emotional and mental state and in turn are healthier. Do you dress up for work? For parties? To go out? For family get togethers? Why? For others? For yourself? You deserve to feel good and look good, and yes, I think our spouses deserve to know we take care of ourselves for both us and them! Even your kids can read into mommy or daddy not taking care of themselves. Do we want our kids to think they should not take care of themselves or they should not be important on their own list? What do they learn if they think or see we have not made ourselves priority?

It's simple, if you would NOT want or let anyone else see you in it...toss it! YOU DESERVE to look good and feel good 24/7.

Great time of year for lounge wear and PJ shopping BTW.


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