Back to work!

Ah, yes, after being on a 9-5 working out of the home break, I am officially entering back into the work force. It's bitter sweet. Although I landed a fab job for one of the top 12 law firms in cook county, and happen to be working with my SIL......I will miss being a SAHM. I am definitely one of those that wants to stay home when I work and I want to work when I stay home. But, overall, my heart is in working AND taking care of my family. I need that balance. I am better for my kids and my husband when I am happy and feel more productive and responsible out in the world. It makes my time home with my kids and husband that much more meaningful. Luckily the people I work for believe in a good work/family balance, so all employees only work 35 hours a week. My commute is short so I do not think I will be too sad today! Plus with 5 kids, if we want to travel as much as we do (like trips to Mexico, the Bahamas, etc.) then my working makes it a little easier.

Easiest part about working for me? My mother is our childcare. She comes at 7 or 8 a.m. and is here until my husband comes home at 3. What better deal could that be?

So, wish me luck......I hope my blog and other interests do not start to suffer?.......NAW! I am super woman, here me RAWR!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like a really exciting new beginning - and yay for your mum helping out! :D

  2. I came to visit from Lady Bloggers Tea Party. Good Luck with returning to work. Your so lucky to have your Mom. Teresa Green

  3. Congrats on your job and hope you and your family are better soon.

    I'm following you from Friday Follow!

    Maggie at tetheredmommy dot com


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