Being sick = NOT COOL!

Ugh, yes, so major sickies has hit our house! I have strep and one of my twins has strep....and now the husband is going to the doc after work to get tested. I feel like our house is so germ infested right now it isn't funny! And of course I am trying to disinfect everything but I am "technically" still contagious until 3:00p.m. today! My kids are being made to wash their hands and use the anti bac hand sanitizer like their life depends on it! LOL I WILL GET THESE GERMS OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!

Although I can handle being sick (not really but I will pretend that I can), worst part is that I happen to get sick the first week I started my new job. So yes, after working 3 days, I had to call in sick on days 4 & 5! Not cool. But at least my boss was cool and I did get a note from the doc for my file. Fresh start Monday right?! Right!

So, I am back off to stripping all beds of sheets and blankets, gathering every pillow that has been touched, spraying the railings going up and down the stairs, double disinfecting the bathrooms, and maybe then feeling worse because I am still not 100% better but it needs to get done!

I hope everyone has a great weekend..............STAY SICK FREE!!!!!!!!


  1. Ick, strep is the devil! I hate how your throat is ON FIRE and nothing will cure it. Bummer about having to call in sick, that happened to my husband last year. New job....concussion....sick for a week. Bosses must realize these things happen, I know I do! Stopping by via Lady Bloggers!

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  3. Hi, visiting from Friday Follow. I hope everyone is feeling better. Have a good weekend.


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