Traveling Tuesday, an ongoing list of places I want to visit!
Welcome to Traveling Tuesday where I will highlight places I would love to visit........or should I say this will be my ever growing list of places I WILL VISIT! I definitley have Wanderlust!
San Miguel, Gorreana Tea Plantation
Gorreana is located on the north coast of the island of São Miguel.
The Gorreana Plantation is part of the Maia region & is located on the regional road that runs across the northern region of the island.
The Gorreana tea plantation was founded in 1883 and is now one of the largest plantations on the island. It produces around 30 tons of tea, or cha as it is known locally every year.
And on the way I would love to hit the Formigas Islets on the South..........
Formigas Islets
Ahhhhh, snowy day dreaming.....................
These pictures are gorgeous! Now I have it on my list too...mmmm, wanderlust...